Live Comparison between painting with Nitroheat and conventional compressed air. Kindly supplied by our distributor in Holland
Counts Kustoms from the popular TV Show Counting Cars (on the History Channel) uses our Nitromax system for all of their painting requirements. Each custom vehicle built by Counts Kustoms is spray painted with Nitroheat.
Ryan Evans, celebrity painter from the History Channels Counting Cars – see his reaction the first time he tried out the Nitroheat system
MAACO is one of the largest franchised auto collision service providers. Being a high production facility, “bottlenecks” in the paint shop is always a concern for owner Tim Ciri. The installation of Nitroheat has improved their productivity and finish quality.
Prestige, California using Nitromax 15 in one spray booth. Pat is the official paintshop for the Wheeler Dealer TV Series
Burnside Collision – 1 year review spraying PPG Envirobase
Ben Montoya and Ryan Evans at Tacoma Technical College Open Day.
Prestige, California using Nitromax 15 in one spray booth. Pat is the official paintshop for the Wheeler Dealer TV Series